35 Lessons I’ve Learned In 35 Years of Marriage
Lesson 1: Being right will eventually lose its appeal
LIKE MOST NEWLYWEDS, my husband and I stepped into marriage bright-eyed, optimistic, and flat-out unprepared. But—let’s hear it for young love—we assumed that our marriage would be a rousing success. Marriage turned out to be far more challenging than we had imagined; yet, we just celebrated our 35th anniversary. Despite flaring tempers, pouting, and a mutual tendency to blame,
our saving grace may well have been that come hell or high water, we both kept two feet in. We learned a lot and grew a lot, and as a result of our efforts, we have much to celebrate.
our saving grace may well have been that come hell or high water, we both kept two feet in. We learned a lot and grew a lot, and as a result of our efforts, we have much to celebrate.
Here are some of the lessons we learned the hard way:
- 1. Don’t complain about the cooking when your spouse is the cook
- .2. Never start the day off nagging or complaining.
- 3. An unwillingness to quarrel about something doesn’t mean you agree with it.
- 4. There’s no end to how much you can love someone if you let yourself.
- 5. Never decide to get a divorce when you have PMS (or the flu or jet lag).
- 6. Establish early on whether the question “Do these pants make me look fat?” is a true yes-or-no question.
- 7. Express gratitude often.
- 8. Generosity may be the key to all happiness
- .9. Admit your shortcomings. They’re obvious anyway.
- 10. Most of your fights are living proof of your immaturity. The soone you grow up, the happier you’ll be.
- 11. “In love” pales in comparison with love.
- 12. When you think you’ve tried everything, know that you haven’t.
- 13. Clean is a relative term.
- 14. Give up all hope of being per fectly understood.
- 15. Being right will eventually lose it appeal.
- 16. Many of the things you fight hard for will turn out not to have been worth the fight.
- 17. Your definition of sexy will chang over time. New definition: husband going out in the pouring rain to latch the slamming gate.
- 18. Be the first to apologize. Really. It’ not as painful as it sounds.
- 19. Pay more attention to what you’re doing to make things go badly, and pay less attention to what your spouse is doing.
- 20. When your spouse’s behavior is open to intpretation, ascribe the higher motive.
- 21. It’s idiotic to stay up late arguing about being too tired to have sex.
- 22. Forget the nonsense about not going to bed angry. Get some sleep. Chances are things will look different in the morning.
- 23. When people say marriage is hard, believe them.
- 24. If you’re going to complain about something, come to the table with a suggested alternative.
- 25. Hatred is perfectly normal under the circumstances. Don’t freak out about it or take it too seriously.
- 26. Don’t kid yourself into thinking you have all the time in the world.
- 27. Do not underestimate how irritating your spouse’s slightly irritating behaviors will become over time.
- 28. If you want something, recognize that it’s your job to ask for it.
- 29. The louder your spouse yells, the quieter and calmer you need to be.
- 30. Disappointment is inevitable. Life gets a lot easier once you accept this.
- 31. There are no guaranteed divorceproofing moves. All any of us can do is be a husband or a wife our spouse would be foolish to leave.
- 32. Sometimes you’re going to do your unfair share. It’s not worth whining about.
- 33. Accept apologies graciously.
- 34. Being happily married is not the same as living happily ever after.
- 35. Marriage will teach you more about yourself than you bargained for. Consider that a gift.