National Cheeseburger Day - all you need to know

all right welcome back everyone well,today is the day to celebrate an,American staple we're talking about the,cheeseburger and here to tell us more,and to show us how to whip up the,perfect wine it's Philip blackerby from,way back burgers thanks for being here,Philip thank you for having me and happy,cheeseburger day you're always welcome,at Carolina we're both here in the,Spartanburg studio Julie and Emily were,wishing there as well so um alright you,can't really eat a hamburger without,cheese on most people just crave the,cheese that's right and we're gonna talk,about some of the different kind of,burgers that y'all offer because it's,not just cheese meat and a bun I mean,there's all different things you can,work with for a burger that's right you,know and today I've bought a number of,our burgers here just to talk to to you,about a few of them and first over here,we have the the double bacon burger,that's a burger made however you'd like,it's double bacon because it's four,strips of bacon on that burger that,particular one we've made with cheddar,cheese oh then here in the middle is our,limited time offer right now we're,kicking off a new burger as we head,toward Oktoberfest in the fall this is,our beer burger we've got it plated with,our pretzel bites now how do you make a,beer burger well mixed in it has beer,cheese in it and it's it's a German,burger it's made with the with a pretzel,bun and it also has Bavarian mustard on,it and and some onion straws to make a,really tasty burger they're those,pretzel buns are really in right now

,I've seen a lot of those around town,that's correct yep over here we have a,rodeo burger that ones with the cheddar,cheese and onion rings and barbecue,sauce we have it plated with our,house-made chips that we make in the,store uh-huh and then finally we have,the cheesy that's the ultimate,cheeseburger there's four slices of,cheese in that cheeseburger two patties,of meat and then of course we can put,whatever else you would like on that,burger and it's plated with our fries,uh-huh that'll really fill you up for,sure now do you get any weird requests,for toppings so I mean because people,have so many different opinions on what,they should put on their hamburger I do,we have four cheeses and then we have,probably in excess of like 50 sauces and,toppings that you can put on a burger,yeah and there's constantly things like,we have with the beer burger that are,being added to - yeah - wet that,appetite for something different on a,burger there you go the the signature,burger of wayback is our classic though,today I've got the classic here we've,just finished melting the cheese and,that's basically a two patty burger made,however you'd like with all those,toppings okay,this one here is made with the pepper,jack cheese I love pepper jack and we'll,go ahead and and and put that on the bun,okay I like mine with a little something,extra in that being the bacon so I've,added a little bit of bacon to that also,now why are y'all located you got two,locations is that right there are two,locations in the Upstate one is a tree,full and black stock in Spartanburg it's,run by my friend Dave uh-huh and I run,the one on Woodruff Road we're across,the street from Publix next to Aldi on,Woodruff Road as you're going toward,five four okay all right so all right so,you've assembled the burger we got a few,more toppings to put on there and,lettuce these are the wrong toppings,lettuce and pickles and onions and,that's why we call it a classic that's,right it's the classic hamburger all of,our burgers have two slices of cheese in,it that's what makes today such a,special day for us is a we're serving,the cheese way back today have you seen,on some burgers people put a fried egg,on top or in the middle of it and,everything I mean it seems like anything,goes that's right,it's it's amazing at some of the,toppings and some of the requests that,we get in the store and if we can,accommodate it we try in every way to be,able to accommodate I can tell that,request you guys made your way way back,absolutely all right well thanks Philip,for being here this is delicious and,it's too bad all these are for me I hope,you all enjoy well do you think so much,thank you for having me today,your cheeseburger - happy cheeseburger,day okay,well stay with us so we've got a little,bit more Carolina morning on the way,coming up after the break

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