what is going on fellow outlaws outlaw,Gary here and in today's video we are,checking out time-traveling in Red Dead,Redemption - you heard me correctly it's,actually one of the biggest easter eggs,in the game that is super fun and,interesting to figure out but we don't,know how it's all connected yet there's,lots of theories and we'll get into that,towards the end of the video but at the,beginning I want to showcase how you can,encounter this in your own Red Dead,Redemption to play through if you zoom,out of your map all the way right above,strawberry you can find the
starting,mission or this time-traveling event now,this is through a character called,Francis and Claire it's called geology,for beginners and yesterday I actually,uploaded the rock carving locations all,ten of them so you can do this as well,so if you want to go through this whole,cycle you can I have made available for,you to know where all the rock carving,locations are and without further ado,let's speak with this NPC as he is very,interesting and things just get weirder,as you go on so let's go talk to them,dudes I'm sorry I can't ask you a,strange question I mean it sounds,ridiculous but I'm on the level I don't,have a clue what you just said,well I'm sorry sport huh there's these,funny rock carvings they look a bit like,this okay yeah the thing is I sort of,like really badly have to find all of,them now it's sort of a puzzle thing I,mean I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm,on the up-and-up and it's really,important little gimmick cynically,little rock carvings well you want to do,it well it's sort of very complicated,and you'll think I'm jazzed if I tell,you what drunk all right no huh I wish,no I'm a lost it's a long story,can you find the carvings no I bear well,I sort of need them hey listen if you,find them I'll pay you handsomely send,me details if you can here's my card,if I can't well I'm sure you can sport,I'm sure you can Francis Sinclair Arthur,morgue but I don't understand why do you,need these things well I told you if I,told you you think I was on the hooch,what I'm gonna have a lie down I don't,feel very well,and neither would you with,but hey what harm could it do so after,that conversation with friends and,clearing getting the side mission you're,sort of left in this like really,confused state of what the heck just,happened so let's cover a few things,first things first branch dissing Claire,obviously is either very intellectual or,just knows a lot of words that aren't,there Morgan doesn't understand things,like jazz on the hootch needs a lie down,at the end of his conversation he,mentioned you wouldn't feel so good or,neither would you feel well if you never,mind hinting towards he recently did,something now a lot of these rock,carvings that we're gonna go explore,that you can see on the screen now,showcase a very different type of world,that doesn't exist in this world the,carvings alone are very very futuristic,and some of them from like very very,previous times the past like Egyptian,type carvings and things that just don't,fit the current era we're in very,strange it doesn't really make sense,because during this time we're just,uncovering things like dinosaur bones,and learning more about the past and,things of you know that existed before,this time but Fran Sinclair knows more,than he's telling us and once we go,inside of his house and turn in these,rock carvings you'll have a better,understanding of why this is the way it,is now here's what's crazy after you've,finished a rock carving location mission,that Fran stick cleaner gives you which,I showcase the other day here on the,channel we want to do it you can you are,instructed to mail all the locations to,him and after you've done that you can,receive a mail from him with your reward,as you can see I have a rock statue,arrived four days ago because I finished,all of them and then I also get an,invitation from Francis and Claire let's,collect that as well let's check both,those out so let's inspect this document,it says dear sir the carvings you found,the last of them oh wait until I showed,you what I've pieced together you'll,think I'm a bit buttered please do not,delay or dally I'm travelling soon and,don't want to miss you see you at my,home a bit north of the midway point,between,Angela Lake and strawberry yours truly,friends and clear but clearly we have to,get there in a rush he is traveling we,can't miss him let's go see Francis and,clear right now and waste no time right,after getting this letter after getting,the letter you will notice I can hold my,start for rock carvings and it just,tells me to go visit Francis right now,and that's exactly what we're gonna do,and once you've obtained his letter,you'll see on your map you now have the,FS available to you to go speak with him,so we're gonna do that right now dude,we're not gonna waste any time and while,we're actually Auto running to friends,and clearing if you have no idea how to,auto run a lot of you guys didn't know,you can auto run in this game like,literally just running I made a whole,video tips and tricks on the child that,showcased Auto running auto shooting,Auto reloading your gun instantly here,on the channel so if you have not seen,that go check it out it's in the top,right in a card right now so you can go,check that out if it's up your alley,check it out after this video if you,want on top of that we also made we also,got a rock statue which I sort of want,to check out really quickly I don't know,what it is,it's just a statue made of rock that's,it there's no symbolism to it it's just,a statue made of rock I've recently got,a lot of statues in Red Dead Redemption,too,I also have like a statue of fertility,which is a really weird one I got at,some lady's house and it's just a little,like a female fertility statue a statue,that possesses the power to grant female,fertility I don't know but maybe maybe,that's the way you get laid and read,their Redemption,- hey actually maybe you never know I'm,trying I guess I don't know we'll see,what happens after I have that so let's,head back to France and clear and see,what happens dude so this is where,things get weird and well I'll just let,you guys figure it out so that's let's,do this,oh hello can I help you,oh I'm sorry friend shooting mrs.,Sinclair yes how did you know I'm,looking for your husband my husband yeah,he's dead,he's been dead since just before Francis,was born one year ago your husband,Francis is dead no this is Francis my,husband tom is dead I'm a little,confused yes I think you are what was,your name that's not important excuse me,so if your mind is not literally blown,then dudes I'm here to help you figure,this out so earlier today I upload a,video talking about Gavin where is Gavin,and in that video I talked about a,letter from Nigel to Tom Tom possibly,being Francis's dad is this all okay it,might get a little confusing here cuz it,seems like it's all connected Tom,Francis Gavin,seem like they're all connected now,Francis as you guys saw has a birthmark,on his eye similar to all these drawings,Francis has the same birthmark in these,drawings as he does in real and as a,person and as a baby was a baby and as a,grown adult now we have just spoken to,Francis and it was a little weird,because as you may have noticed his,verbage his wording everything was just,not of this time and we come back to,give him this information and speak with,him and he's no longer here as we read,from the letter that he gave us it,clearly had said that he was gonna be,traveling soon it says the carvings you,found the last time oh wait until I show,you what I've pieced together he'll,think I'm a bit buttered please do not,dally I'm travelling soon and don't want,to miss you clearly he's time-traveling,and when we come back to the cabin we,found Francis as a baby now what gets,even stranger is the fact that when you,leave this cabin for whatever reason,when I leave this cabin and I look on,the map this cabin doesn't exist on the,map at all and I don't know why every,other building in the game is marked as,you can do this a building here is a,building here all these buildings have,little markers to them let you know that,hey you found this and for whatever,reason this cabin only exists when,you're inside of it when you leave the,cabin it doesn't exist and it's really,really strange,so I'm not sure if this cabin itself is,some kind of time-traveling area or this,is how you can start the portal or I,don't know I've been here before,I spoke to Francis as you can see,everything's already alluded I've,here before there's multiple letters and,like very very weird drawings everywhere,and I'm not sure if you as Arthur Morgan,or in your playthrough as a whole can,time travel but the opportunity for you,to be able to may be out there in the,world we just don't know where it is as,you can see from some of these drawings,he has actually pieced together the,different rock carvings we found through,the world and this one in specific may,be recognizable to you as it's a rock,carving we found and other ones as well,like this one right here with the,carriage the boat one the Egyptian,looking one all these are rock carvings,we found out in the world now I have,reason to believe somehow Francis Tom,Gavin Nigel are all connected some very,weird way but I don't know if Nigel the,guy that's Gavin's friend even knows,this I uploaded a video earlier today,talking about the Gavin mystery and,somehow I think they're all together I,think somehow this lady that was just,here Francis's mom her husband Tom that,passed away is connected with Gavin bill,like why would a rock surname someone,else Tom like it's way too coincidental,as you know I think I have the letter on,me if not it might be my other place,it's at my other place to do actually,it's not on this one unfortunately but,it's it's a letter from Nigel to Tom,which is just so weird because Tom's,dead and you find out Tom's dead through,this lady that's Francis's mom and,Francis is a time traveler,so if Francis is a time traveler then,why didn't Francis one save his dad Tom,this Francis no Gavin and Nigel and is,that why Gavin's missing a three is,Nigel messed up in the head because,Francis is a time traveler that means,Nigel might have been a time traveler as,well and that's why he's a little cuckoo,all these questions we don't have,answers to but what also makes this,additionally weird is that this all may,be connected to GTA 5 now like,you're super going down the rabbit hole,really like what the hell's happening I,know this is a lot of information but,please in the comment section,let me know your thoughts like let me,know what you think of all this because,when I started piecing this all together,I was like holy rock star went super out,of their way for this Easter egg so let,me quickly explain so on screen right,now is the GTA wiki something you guys,are probably all familiar with it if you,played GTA 5 in GTA 5 we had the epsilon,program and dude it's like one of the,cool things that you could do in GTA 5 I,actually hat I just have an epsilon,program necklace that I wore that Rock,tried to given me like five years ago,and it was super cool I even have an,epsilon pyramid I don't even know if you,guys can see it but inside of this it,says the epsilon program but it's,actually backwards for you guys so there,it is so it's really freaking cool so,with all that the epsilon program was,something I knew pretty well on GTA 5,and there was many sequences and events,that you partook in with Michael as one,of the main protagonists and it connects,with Red Dead Redemption to very very,interestingly because of the way Francis,and Claire looks if you scroll all the,way down you see the main ideals of the,epsilon program are say on their website,the religions main dedi or identity is,kif Flom and its members fall his 12,tenants now a possible descendant of,craf is anyone with this birthmark scar,on their I guess what dudes check out,this picture of Francis and Claire as,you guys can see he has a birthmark on,his eye now only that Francis and Claire,also has red hair and as you can see,everyone is related to everyone else,except for people with red hair guess,what he has red hair so the more you go,down this really really tinfoil Easter,egg hat wearing crazy shenanigans you,also want to take a look at mr. friends,and clears a business card that he gives,you in-game and as you can see if you,zoom in right at the top you have,something doing with time and then you,also have wings which somewhat resembles,he's a time traveler he flies through,time it says that he's a collector but,he's never really described what he's a,collector,what rock carvings no that's not a thing,so it's all very very confusing but also,very cool how this possibly can be,connected to Gavin's friend Nigel Gavin,Tom Branson Sinclair gta5 all this crazy,shenanigans all dealing with,time-traveling and how GTA v Red Dead,Redemption - and Rockstar have combined,all these amazing possible games all,interact with one so long ago like it's,very very awesome to see they've gone,the distance to make this all possible,and it just makes you wonder what else,are we missing in Red Dead Redemption -,that we haven't uncovered just yet it,really really makes me think like hey is,there more to the game that we have not,uncovered yet like have we just like,just recently found the the start of,something crazy awesome as any of you,guys know gt5 was filled with Easter,eggs until this day they're still being,solved and the games over seven years Oh,crazy fate that's seven years old five,years old I was like wait a minute my,I've been doing YouTube for seven years,not GTA 5 but yeah it's crazy dude so if,you enjoyed this video made you drop a,like let me know in the comment section,what am I missing here,what am I missing do you think Gavin,Gavin's friend Tom branches and clear,are all connected with time-traveling,let me know in the comments section,check out my video earlier where we,described the hole Gavin's friend,situation and what I think of him,directly and if you enjoy the video show,some love drop a like hit that subscribe,button if you're new around here and I,had so much fun with this video dude so,thank you for allowing me to chase my,dreams and do this stuff because it's,just been so much fun YouTube is a great,platform to have fun and interact with,you guys so let's never be talking I'll,see you guys later,later guys,[Music],[Applause],[Music],[Applause],[Music]
starting,mission or this time-traveling event now,this is through a character called,Francis and Claire it's called geology,for beginners and yesterday I actually,uploaded the rock carving locations all,ten of them so you can do this as well,so if you want to go through this whole,cycle you can I have made available for,you to know where all the rock carving,locations are and without further ado,let's speak with this NPC as he is very,interesting and things just get weirder,as you go on so let's go talk to them,dudes I'm sorry I can't ask you a,strange question I mean it sounds,ridiculous but I'm on the level I don't,have a clue what you just said,well I'm sorry sport huh there's these,funny rock carvings they look a bit like,this okay yeah the thing is I sort of,like really badly have to find all of,them now it's sort of a puzzle thing I,mean I know it sounds ridiculous but I'm,on the up-and-up and it's really,important little gimmick cynically,little rock carvings well you want to do,it well it's sort of very complicated,and you'll think I'm jazzed if I tell,you what drunk all right no huh I wish,no I'm a lost it's a long story,can you find the carvings no I bear well,I sort of need them hey listen if you,find them I'll pay you handsomely send,me details if you can here's my card,if I can't well I'm sure you can sport,I'm sure you can Francis Sinclair Arthur,morgue but I don't understand why do you,need these things well I told you if I,told you you think I was on the hooch,what I'm gonna have a lie down I don't,feel very well,and neither would you with,but hey what harm could it do so after,that conversation with friends and,clearing getting the side mission you're,sort of left in this like really,confused state of what the heck just,happened so let's cover a few things,first things first branch dissing Claire,obviously is either very intellectual or,just knows a lot of words that aren't,there Morgan doesn't understand things,like jazz on the hootch needs a lie down,at the end of his conversation he,mentioned you wouldn't feel so good or,neither would you feel well if you never,mind hinting towards he recently did,something now a lot of these rock,carvings that we're gonna go explore,that you can see on the screen now,showcase a very different type of world,that doesn't exist in this world the,carvings alone are very very futuristic,and some of them from like very very,previous times the past like Egyptian,type carvings and things that just don't,fit the current era we're in very,strange it doesn't really make sense,because during this time we're just,uncovering things like dinosaur bones,and learning more about the past and,things of you know that existed before,this time but Fran Sinclair knows more,than he's telling us and once we go,inside of his house and turn in these,rock carvings you'll have a better,understanding of why this is the way it,is now here's what's crazy after you've,finished a rock carving location mission,that Fran stick cleaner gives you which,I showcase the other day here on the,channel we want to do it you can you are,instructed to mail all the locations to,him and after you've done that you can,receive a mail from him with your reward,as you can see I have a rock statue,arrived four days ago because I finished,all of them and then I also get an,invitation from Francis and Claire let's,collect that as well let's check both,those out so let's inspect this document,it says dear sir the carvings you found,the last of them oh wait until I showed,you what I've pieced together you'll,think I'm a bit buttered please do not,delay or dally I'm travelling soon and,don't want to miss you see you at my,home a bit north of the midway point,between,Angela Lake and strawberry yours truly,friends and clear but clearly we have to,get there in a rush he is traveling we,can't miss him let's go see Francis and,clear right now and waste no time right,after getting this letter after getting,the letter you will notice I can hold my,start for rock carvings and it just,tells me to go visit Francis right now,and that's exactly what we're gonna do,and once you've obtained his letter,you'll see on your map you now have the,FS available to you to go speak with him,so we're gonna do that right now dude,we're not gonna waste any time and while,we're actually Auto running to friends,and clearing if you have no idea how to,auto run a lot of you guys didn't know,you can auto run in this game like,literally just running I made a whole,video tips and tricks on the child that,showcased Auto running auto shooting,Auto reloading your gun instantly here,on the channel so if you have not seen,that go check it out it's in the top,right in a card right now so you can go,check that out if it's up your alley,check it out after this video if you,want on top of that we also made we also,got a rock statue which I sort of want,to check out really quickly I don't know,what it is,it's just a statue made of rock that's,it there's no symbolism to it it's just,a statue made of rock I've recently got,a lot of statues in Red Dead Redemption,too,I also have like a statue of fertility,which is a really weird one I got at,some lady's house and it's just a little,like a female fertility statue a statue,that possesses the power to grant female,fertility I don't know but maybe maybe,that's the way you get laid and read,their Redemption,- hey actually maybe you never know I'm,trying I guess I don't know we'll see,what happens after I have that so let's,head back to France and clear and see,what happens dude so this is where,things get weird and well I'll just let,you guys figure it out so that's let's,do this,oh hello can I help you,oh I'm sorry friend shooting mrs.,Sinclair yes how did you know I'm,looking for your husband my husband yeah,he's dead,he's been dead since just before Francis,was born one year ago your husband,Francis is dead no this is Francis my,husband tom is dead I'm a little,confused yes I think you are what was,your name that's not important excuse me,so if your mind is not literally blown,then dudes I'm here to help you figure,this out so earlier today I upload a,video talking about Gavin where is Gavin,and in that video I talked about a,letter from Nigel to Tom Tom possibly,being Francis's dad is this all okay it,might get a little confusing here cuz it,seems like it's all connected Tom,Francis Gavin,seem like they're all connected now,Francis as you guys saw has a birthmark,on his eye similar to all these drawings,Francis has the same birthmark in these,drawings as he does in real and as a,person and as a baby was a baby and as a,grown adult now we have just spoken to,Francis and it was a little weird,because as you may have noticed his,verbage his wording everything was just,not of this time and we come back to,give him this information and speak with,him and he's no longer here as we read,from the letter that he gave us it,clearly had said that he was gonna be,traveling soon it says the carvings you,found the last time oh wait until I show,you what I've pieced together he'll,think I'm a bit buttered please do not,dally I'm travelling soon and don't want,to miss you clearly he's time-traveling,and when we come back to the cabin we,found Francis as a baby now what gets,even stranger is the fact that when you,leave this cabin for whatever reason,when I leave this cabin and I look on,the map this cabin doesn't exist on the,map at all and I don't know why every,other building in the game is marked as,you can do this a building here is a,building here all these buildings have,little markers to them let you know that,hey you found this and for whatever,reason this cabin only exists when,you're inside of it when you leave the,cabin it doesn't exist and it's really,really strange,so I'm not sure if this cabin itself is,some kind of time-traveling area or this,is how you can start the portal or I,don't know I've been here before,I spoke to Francis as you can see,everything's already alluded I've,here before there's multiple letters and,like very very weird drawings everywhere,and I'm not sure if you as Arthur Morgan,or in your playthrough as a whole can,time travel but the opportunity for you,to be able to may be out there in the,world we just don't know where it is as,you can see from some of these drawings,he has actually pieced together the,different rock carvings we found through,the world and this one in specific may,be recognizable to you as it's a rock,carving we found and other ones as well,like this one right here with the,carriage the boat one the Egyptian,looking one all these are rock carvings,we found out in the world now I have,reason to believe somehow Francis Tom,Gavin Nigel are all connected some very,weird way but I don't know if Nigel the,guy that's Gavin's friend even knows,this I uploaded a video earlier today,talking about the Gavin mystery and,somehow I think they're all together I,think somehow this lady that was just,here Francis's mom her husband Tom that,passed away is connected with Gavin bill,like why would a rock surname someone,else Tom like it's way too coincidental,as you know I think I have the letter on,me if not it might be my other place,it's at my other place to do actually,it's not on this one unfortunately but,it's it's a letter from Nigel to Tom,which is just so weird because Tom's,dead and you find out Tom's dead through,this lady that's Francis's mom and,Francis is a time traveler,so if Francis is a time traveler then,why didn't Francis one save his dad Tom,this Francis no Gavin and Nigel and is,that why Gavin's missing a three is,Nigel messed up in the head because,Francis is a time traveler that means,Nigel might have been a time traveler as,well and that's why he's a little cuckoo,all these questions we don't have,answers to but what also makes this,additionally weird is that this all may,be connected to GTA 5 now like,you're super going down the rabbit hole,really like what the hell's happening I,know this is a lot of information but,please in the comment section,let me know your thoughts like let me,know what you think of all this because,when I started piecing this all together,I was like holy rock star went super out,of their way for this Easter egg so let,me quickly explain so on screen right,now is the GTA wiki something you guys,are probably all familiar with it if you,played GTA 5 in GTA 5 we had the epsilon,program and dude it's like one of the,cool things that you could do in GTA 5 I,actually hat I just have an epsilon,program necklace that I wore that Rock,tried to given me like five years ago,and it was super cool I even have an,epsilon pyramid I don't even know if you,guys can see it but inside of this it,says the epsilon program but it's,actually backwards for you guys so there,it is so it's really freaking cool so,with all that the epsilon program was,something I knew pretty well on GTA 5,and there was many sequences and events,that you partook in with Michael as one,of the main protagonists and it connects,with Red Dead Redemption to very very,interestingly because of the way Francis,and Claire looks if you scroll all the,way down you see the main ideals of the,epsilon program are say on their website,the religions main dedi or identity is,kif Flom and its members fall his 12,tenants now a possible descendant of,craf is anyone with this birthmark scar,on their I guess what dudes check out,this picture of Francis and Claire as,you guys can see he has a birthmark on,his eye now only that Francis and Claire,also has red hair and as you can see,everyone is related to everyone else,except for people with red hair guess,what he has red hair so the more you go,down this really really tinfoil Easter,egg hat wearing crazy shenanigans you,also want to take a look at mr. friends,and clears a business card that he gives,you in-game and as you can see if you,zoom in right at the top you have,something doing with time and then you,also have wings which somewhat resembles,he's a time traveler he flies through,time it says that he's a collector but,he's never really described what he's a,collector,what rock carvings no that's not a thing,so it's all very very confusing but also,very cool how this possibly can be,connected to Gavin's friend Nigel Gavin,Tom Branson Sinclair gta5 all this crazy,shenanigans all dealing with,time-traveling and how GTA v Red Dead,Redemption - and Rockstar have combined,all these amazing possible games all,interact with one so long ago like it's,very very awesome to see they've gone,the distance to make this all possible,and it just makes you wonder what else,are we missing in Red Dead Redemption -,that we haven't uncovered just yet it,really really makes me think like hey is,there more to the game that we have not,uncovered yet like have we just like,just recently found the the start of,something crazy awesome as any of you,guys know gt5 was filled with Easter,eggs until this day they're still being,solved and the games over seven years Oh,crazy fate that's seven years old five,years old I was like wait a minute my,I've been doing YouTube for seven years,not GTA 5 but yeah it's crazy dude so if,you enjoyed this video made you drop a,like let me know in the comment section,what am I missing here,what am I missing do you think Gavin,Gavin's friend Tom branches and clear,are all connected with time-traveling,let me know in the comments section,check out my video earlier where we,described the hole Gavin's friend,situation and what I think of him,directly and if you enjoy the video show,some love drop a like hit that subscribe,button if you're new around here and I,had so much fun with this video dude so,thank you for allowing me to chase my,dreams and do this stuff because it's,just been so much fun YouTube is a great,platform to have fun and interact with,you guys so let's never be talking I'll,see you guys later,later guys,[Music],[Applause],[Music],[Applause],[Music]